
Observability tools for modern infrastructures

Appclacks is a set of observability tools developed by myself, mcorbin.
All Appclacks projects are free and open source, available on Github, and built with modern practices in mind.

Appclacks server

Centralized Blackbox health checks configuration and a Prometheus push gateway alternative

Appclacks server full documentation is available on its dedicated website.


You want a powerful and self-hostable solution for blackbox monitoring ? You feel limited when using the regular Prometheus Push Gateway ? Appclacks server is for you !

Health checks management

Appclacks server can be used to monitor public or private endpoints by executing configured health checks on them from multiple point of presences.
The prober used by Appclacks server is named Cabourotte and [is a free software]( that you can host on your private infrastructure and plug on the Appclacks API server to autoconfigure it.

Health checks can be managed by using state-of-the-art tooling: CLI, Terraform provider, Kubernetes operator with dedicated Custom Resources Deginitions.

Prometheus Push Gateway

Appclacks server provides a full-featured Prometheus push gateway alternative including a CRUD API (with a CLI to manage metrics), a highly-available setup without SPOF, and optional TTL support with pushed metrics with automatic cleanup.


A monitoring tool to execute health checks on your infrastructure

Cabourotte full documentation is available on its dedicated website.


Cabourotte is a tool which allow you to execute healthchecks (HTTP(s), TCP, DNS, TLS including certificate expiration notice, arbitrary commands) on your infrastructure. It already supports various features including hot reload, service discovery, Prometheus integration, one-off health checks...

You can use it as a standalone tool but you can also integrate it with the Appclacks server to manage health checks configuration globally and with good tooling (CLI, Terraform provider, Kubernetes operator…).


A powerful stream processing engine

Mirabelle full documentation is available on its dedicated website.


Mirabelle is a stream processing engine which can be used to aggregate events, metrics, logs and traces.

Its powerful and extensible DSL allows you to define computations on a stream of data. Mirabelle offers natively a lot of functions (time windows, mathematical operations, transforming data, relabeling, etc.) which can be easily combined according to your needs.

It can be used for a lot of use cases like monitoring, fraud detection, alerting, to route events and metrics between different systems…